In his book, Come As You Are, Peter Fleck writes about a girl, afraid during an airplane flight:
She kept watching one of the engines from her window
seat, as if watching the engine would reduce, if not
eliminate, the danger of malfunction. When lunch was
served, she did not eat. Whereupon her neighbor, a
middle-age gentleman who had finished his lunch, said to her:
“You can eat your lunch kiddo, I’ll watch the wing for you.”
How do you grasp what someone needs – especially when that someone is a person you consider difficult?
The following questions lead you TOWARD ACCEPTANCE:
Ask yourself…..
Does she need someone to listen to her rather than tell her what to do?
Has anyone smiled at them today?
When was the last time someone gave him a sincere compliment?
Does she know that someone cares about her?
Are there cultural differences you haven’t taken time to understand?
What do they need in order to feel accepted?
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Best icebreaker for new employee orientation. Love this! (New York Times)
What I’m reading: The Red Address Book by Sofia Lundberg. Perfect for your empathy book club.
Uninsured patients and smokers are less likely to believe in full recovery, so rate you lower. (Orthopedics Today)
Want to know what’s really happening? Listen in the lunchroom. (HeraldNet)
Which element of trust is most important? Positive relationships, good judgement/expertise or consistency? (Harvard Business Review)
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