In his book, Hardwiring Happiness, Dr. Rick Hanson recommends that when happy moments occur for you during the day – not the moments you seek out but the ones that happen serendipitously – take an extra five seconds to savor the experience. Don’t rush to the next thing you have to do. Instead, take five seconds to appreciate and extend your happiness by reflecting on it. Dr. Hanson says that when you do this six times a day, physical and emotional health benefits result.

This happiness-booster takes only thirty seconds of your day.
Let’s take this technique up a notch by giving unexpected happy moments to others.
Your challenge? Make a conscious effort to provide appropriate touch at the end of your patient encounters. A handshake that you hold for a moment longer than usual. A pat on the arm with a few words of encouragement.
Then, close the loop. As you see or hear the appreciation of your patients, remember to take five seconds to cherish what you are feeling.
I’d love to hear how this turns out for you.
Smaller is better: How Cleveland Clinic improved daily huddles. (The Lean Post)
Presence: Kind care requires unhurried conversations. (NEJM Catalyst)
Trading cards: Bios and photos improve doctor-patient connections. (PXJ)
Winter: Mayo Clinic: How to make your home a wellness refuge. (In the Loop)
A great loss: Bernard Tyson and his lessons are worth remembering. (Fortune)