I would like permission to use some of the articles from your web site in my employee newsletter.
You are welcome to reprint any article at no charge, provided that you clearly indicate that I am the author and provide susanbakershop.wpengine.com as the source.
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What kinds of organizations do you work with?
I work with all types of health care organizations. I have spoken for local and national associations, hospitals, outpatient care centers, health systems, pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, long term care facilities, medical and surgical practices and occupational health centers.
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Do you offer consulting services?
No, my practice is limited to speaking. If you are looking for consulting or project management expertise, I can provide you with the names of experts who specialize in those services.
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What topics do you speak about?
The most frequently requested presentations are:
- Managing Patient Expectations
- Improving Healthcare Leadership, Communication and Outcomes Through Accountability Tools (One Day Retreat)
- HCAHPS and Willingness to Recommend: What Senior Leadership Can Do Next
- Yes! You Can Soothe, Smooth and Improve Difficult People
- Great Leaders Help Others Act on Their Best Intentions
- “I’m sorry to hear that…” Service Recovery Skills to Restore Patient Satisfaction
- Instant Rapport: How to Inspire Trust and Confidence
- World Class Service Excellence: 60 Ideas in 60 Minutes
- The World Is Full of Cactus, but We Don’t Have to Sit On It
- The Credibility / Likeability Makeover
Click here to go to presentations page »
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How long are your presentations?
Most of my programs are designed for a one hour presentation.
The program on “Improving Healthcare Leadership, Communication and Outcomes Through Accountability Tools” is a full day leadership retreat.
Longer programs on any of the topics can be customized to meet your needs.
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Why should we choose you to speak for our group?
I hold the designation of Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) from the National Speakers Association. This is the highest earned designation of the speaking profession. I have a long track record of delivering outstanding presentations that provide solid content in an interesting and memorable way.
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How much do you charge?
Here’s how it works: You decide how long you would like the presentation to be, or how many presentations you would like to have during one day. You might want to offer a presentation several times during a day, so that as many people as possible are able to attend.
My fee depends on how many hours of speaking you select:
- 5 – 8 hours – $12,000 Includes airfare
- 3 to 4 hours – $10,000 Includes airfare
- 2 hours – $8,000 Includes airfare
- 1 hour presentation – $6,000 Includes airfare
If the program is held within 100 miles of New Canaan, Connecticut, $1000 is deducted from the fee.
- “We’d like you to come and conduct an eight hour retreat for our staff.” That’s an all day presentation and the fee is $12,000.
- “We’d like you to present “Managing Patient Expectations” at 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 7:00 p.m.” That’s four hours of speaking and the fee is $10,000.
- “We’d like you to present a one hour keynote at our Annual Meeting and a one hour breakout later in the day.” That’s two hours of speaking and the fee is $8,000.
The fee includes program development, delivery, and all travel expenses except hotel lodging. There are no additional charges for airfare, mileage, rental car, tolls, or meals.
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Is there a way for me to save on your fee?
The cost per program is lower when you engage me to present more than one program on the same day. You might consider requesting sponsorship as a way of reducing expenses for your meeting. Contact me for a sample letter to request sponsorship.
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Is there a charge for travel time to and from the meeting?
There is no charge for my travel time.
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How are expenses handled?
Everything except a hotel room is included in the fee. There is no additional charge for airfare, mileage, tolls, car rental, meals, etc.
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Do you provide learning materials or handouts?
Yes, a learning guide is prepared to best meet the needs of your group. The guide varies from two to twenty-five pages in length, depending on the length of the program and the type of event. You will receive a master copy of the guide for duplication. There is no charge for the master.
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What is your return policy?
I want you to be happy with the products you purchase from me. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, please return the item within 60 days and I will promptly process a refund.
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Can we videotape or audiotape your presentation?
Audiotaping is permissible, provided that a copy of the tape is sent to me within two weeks of the presentation. Audiotapes must be for internal use only, and not sold. My agreement with my publisher prevents me from allowing presentations to be videotaped.
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Can you provide a photo for our brochure?
Yes, a photograph can be emailed to you, or you can download a photograph here.

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What are your AV and set-up requirements?
- Wireless lapel microphone (if more than 50 people will attend)
- LCD projector and cable
- Screen
- Flip chart and markers
- A six- to eight-foot skirted table. I will speak from the table rather than a lectern. For some presentations, I will also need a small cocktail size table or tray-jack. I bring my own laptop computer, remote control and laser pointer.
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Suggested room set-up:
If you would like the program to be highly interactive, participants are most comfortable when they are seated at tables. If your meeting is a banquet, it is helpful to pre-set the salad and dessert. Clearing and setting courses can delay your schedule and be distracting for your guests if the presentation is taking place while they are eating.
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Can you send a biography and introduction?
Yes. I will email an introduction printed in large font for easy reading. You receive this in advance of the meeting and I bring an additional copy with me to your event.
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What is the next step to have you speak for our organization?
Call 203-966-4880 or email susan@susanbaker.com to select a date. To finalize an agreement, two things are needed:
- A signed program agreement.
- A 50% deposit to confirm the date.
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How do I get more information about your programs?
For additional information, please call me at 203.966.4880 or send an email to susan@susanbaker.com.